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Create Website in Alfresco

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

I have a website that I have designed, I want to know how I can import it into alfresco so that I can be able to run it there.
I want to be able to edit it in alfresco, so I can attach documents in Document Management or use some Articles or Documents from alfresco.

I have tried  Web Quick Start, but the problem is I want to use my own website or design I have except the default one you import from  Web Quick Start Dashlet.

I also tried to create a Web Project using the tutorial (, but it I got the error below:

org.alfresco.web.forms.FormProcessor$ProcessingException: org.alfresco.web.forms.xforms.FormBuilderException: error parsing schema: at line 45 column 114: src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'pr:company_footer_choices' to a(n) 'type definition' component.

Please help.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If you want to change webquickstart design you can, just by overloading css files and include it in your page like this :

Go to your tomcat/webapps/wcmqs/css folder, create a new folder, duplicate the general_styles.css, rename it and put it in this folder.
Open the index.css file and include your new theme :

@import url("reset.css");
@import url("typography.css");
@import url("general_styles.css");
@import url("slimbox2.css");

/* these are the available themes: uncomment the css for the theme you want to activate */

@import url("foldername/cssfilename.css");
@import url("white_blue/styles.css");
@import url("white_orange/styles.css");
@import url("white_green/styles.css");
@import url("dark_brown/styles.css");
@import url("dark_orange/styles.css");
@import url("dark_redblue/styles.css");
@import url("red_brown/styles.css");
@import url("krem/styles.css");

There you are able to overload wcmqs css styles through your new css file.

If your design is completely different you'll have to create your own templates :

In webapps/wcmqs/WEB-INF/templates you can create your own page structure and specify region for your webscripts.
In webapps/wcmqs/WEB-INF/pages you can define webscript call in your template regions with a simple xml file.
In webapps/wcmqs/WEB-INF/webscripts you can create your own webscripts.
In Alfresco Share you can specify wich template instance you want to call on section indexPage or on article visualisation, just set it in your section metadatas.