this is - /share/page/script/org/alfresco/modules/
File: org/alfresco/modules/
<shortname>Create Site Module Repository Call</shortname>
Will redirect post to the repo to create the site in the repo
and then create the preset in the web tier.
<format default="json"/>
File: org/alfresco/modules/
"success": ${success?string}
<#if code?exists>, "code": ${code}</#if>
<#if error?exists>, "error": "${error}"</#if>
File: org/alfresco/modules/
function main()
model.success = false;
// Get clients json request as a "normal" js object literal
var clientRequest = json.toString();
var clientJSON = eval('(' + clientRequest + ')');
// Call the repo to create the site
var scriptRemoteConnector = remote.connect("alfresco");
var repoResponse ="/api/sites", clientRequest, "application/json");
if (repoResponse.status == 401)
status.setCode(repoResponse.status, "error.loggedOut");
var repoJSON = eval('(' + repoResponse + ')');
// Check if we got a positive result
if (repoJSON.shortName)
// Yes we did, now create the site in the webtier
var tokens = [];
tokens["siteid"] = repoJSON.shortName;
sitedata.newPreset(clientJSON.sitePreset, tokens);
model.success = true;
else if (repoJSON.status.code)
// Default error handler
status.setCode(repoJSON.status.code, repoJSON.message);
Store: classpath:surf/webscripts
[No implementation files]
Store: classpath:webscripts
[No implementation files]