*** (My apologies to Alfresco for submitting a bug on this before checking and querying the user forums) ***
I am having difficulty creating a workflow which should present two different action choices for moving documents to their final spaces.
My spaces are called "How-To" and "Bulletins." When I create a rule named "Publish Options" for "All Items" and enter two simple workflows,
"Move item to 'Bulletins' if 'Publish_Bulletin' action is taken." and "Move item to 'How-To' if 'Publish_HowTo' action is taken." only the "Publish_HowTo" choice shows up on new content Action button.
Has anyone else seen this?
On the contrary, I can use the "Reject" flow of one simple workflow configuration to perform the second action … but will eventually need to have more than even two actions per content item, so this is only a workaround for two choices.
Alfresco started (Community): Current version 3.2.0 (2056) schema 3000 - Originally installed version 3.2.0 (2056) schema 3000