07-24-2017 09:33 AM
Estimados Buenos días
Hay algún método para crear backup de ALFRESCO, para guardar la configuración (etiquetas, categorías, entre otros) quisiera poner ALFRESCO en Producción.
08-09-2017 09:59 AM
The error you are facing with got fixed yesterday, as you can see here Extra backslash at line 745? · Issue #28 · toniblyx/alfresco-backup-and-recovery-tool · GitHub
./alfresco-bart.sh: line 746: : command not found
Please, download the new BART version and try again.
08-09-2017 10:36 AM
Aggiornamento fatto,
tutto OK
Grazie Douglas
08-10-2017 05:37 AM
Hi nat macri .
Inside the tutorial, please find the sentence "To deploy BART in our server, please follow these two steps:" There you'll find how to install the very last version on your local.
Let me know if you'll need further assistance.
PS: Thanks Douglas C. R. Paes to reply him 😉
08-10-2017 06:13 AM
Ciao Cristina,
ho scaricato ultima versione di Alfresco Burt,
ho seguito il tutorial: To deploy BART in our server, please follow these two steps:
rimane questo problema:
1 - se lancio il comando:
alfresco-bart.sh verify cs
=========================== BACKUP VERIFICATION FOR CONTENTSTORE ===============
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1540, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1534, in with_tempdir
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1385, in main
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 1464, in do_backup
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 862, in verify
collated = diffdir.collate2iters(restore_get_patched_rop_iter(col_stats),
File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 750, in restore_get_patched_rop_iter
backup_chain = col_stats.get_backup_chain_at_time(time)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/duplicity/collections.py", line 971, in get_backup_chain_at_time
raise CollectionsError("No backup chains found")
CollectionsError: No backup chains found
08-10-2017 06:23 AM
I had a similar error and, in my case, the error was produced because the backup was not able to completed successfully (at certain moment, I had no enough space on my hard disk).
My suggestion to solve it:
- Be sure you have enough space on your hard disk (just to be save before start).
- Delete the content on your CS folder
- Try to launch a CS Backup
- Try again the command
Let us know the result.
08-11-2017 03:44 AM
Ciao Cristina,
scusa se approfitto ancora del tuo tempo,
ho settato Cron: * 16 * * * root /opt/alfresco/scripts/alfresco-bart.sh backup > /dev/null 2>&1
il Bkp è partito correttamente alle 16
successivamente lanciando il comando: ./alfresco-bart.sh verify cs
=========================== BACKUP VERIFICATION FOR CONTENTSTORE ==========================
Tutto sembra OK.
volevo simulare il restore di un file:
Choose a restore option:
1) Full restore
2) Set restore
3) Restore a single file of your Alfresco repository
4) Restore alfresco-global.properties from a given date
5) Restore other configuration file or directory
Enter an option [1|2|3|4|5] or CTRL+c to exit: 3
mi da il seguente messaggio:
./alfresco-bart.sh: line 605: /usr/bin/mysql: File o directory non esistente
./alfresco-bart.sh: line 611: /usr/bin/mysql: File o directory non esistente
- il mio DB e PostgreSQL, forse il settaggio 3 funziona solo con mysql?
- visto che non funziona la prova con l'eliminazione di un solo file (3) e non posso resettare totalmente alfresco, come faccio a capire che il BKP è andato a buon fine?
08-11-2017 05:08 AM
>> - il mio DB e PostgreSQL, forse il settaggio 3 funziona solo con mysql?
No. You can configure with Postgresql (or others) without problem. Go again in the tutorial and find the section "6. Database configuration properties (remember, in my case will be configured for postgresql)" and you have there and example about how to configure with postgresql 🙂
>> - visto che non funziona la prova con l'eliminazione di un solo file (3) e non posso resettare totalmente alfresco, come faccio a capire che il BKP è andato a buon fine?
Try to start up your Alfresco instance and check if that file is already deleted. As far as I know is the only way to really "check" if everything is fine. Right, ?
Let me know your progress.
08-11-2017 08:44 AM
ho seguito i tuoi consigli,
questo è il messaggioi
08-11-2017 09:33 AM
Yes, that is right.
You won't be able to recover a single file, as the functionality is only available for MySQL
08-11-2017 09:32 AM
I am not sure if I understood the problem correctly, but it seems what you want is to validade the backup.
Is that right?
Well, if that is the question, then my answer to you is, the only way to validate the backup is by performing a restore in another machine.
Let me know if that was your doubt.
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