04-11-2008 08:19 AM
Sub Init_Ga()
Attribute Init_Ga
Attribute Init_Ga
' Init_Ga
' Macro enregistrée le 21/02/2007 par G. Abbé
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim NbreLignesAvancement As Integer
Dim DateDebut As Single
Dim DateFin As Single
Dim Debut, Fin As Date
Dim Avancement As Single
Dim Reponse As Varia
Dim JoursTotal, JoursResta
'Pas de mise à jour de l'écran (permet d'accélérererertraitement de la macro)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Récupération des dates globales d'établissement du Ga
DateDebut = Worksheets("Ga
DateFin = Worksheets("Ga
Everywhere you see the word "Ga" (init_ga, worksheets("Ga ….) , it should be the word "Gantt" and the macro doesn't compile!!! Dim i As Integer
Dim jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjNbreLignesAvancementjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjDateDebutjjjjSingle
Dim DateFinjjjjSingle
Dim Debut, FinjjjjDate
Dim AvancementjjjjSingle
Dim Re
Dim JoursTotal, JoursRestant, JoursConsojjjjSingle
The "j" caracters shoudn't exist !!!04-16-2008 08:58 AM
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