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Forum Posts

Urgent : default password DB Alfresco

Hi,I follow the community and I'm starting with Alfresco. One question: can you tell me what is the default password (that is, when you install the package 4 with the installer and Postgres) Postgres DB?And 'perhaps the password you use for the admin...

swamipado by Champ in-the-making
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Replace version of a document

Is there any way to replace the current version of a document without generating a new version? For auditing purposes we want the version history to reflect the exact changes that a document has in the version history, but the revert to a past versio...

fturizo by Champ in-the-making
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Inviti al sito Alfresco 5.0.d

Salve, sono nuovo del forum e dell'approccio ad Alfresco quindi chiedo scusa anticipatamente se ho sbagliato qualcosa.Ho creato un sito in alfresco 5.0.d ma quando invito gli utenti le mail non arrivano! Sapete dirmi se devo settare qualche file e co...

nervo84 by Champ in-the-making
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Calling a webscript in js client side

Hello,I need to call the webscript with this url:  components/documentlibrary/sharedfiles-tree into a js client side file . I use a popup to display the webscript:Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayWebscript             ({            title: "T",      ...

sofia by Champ in-the-making
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Dudas con Alfresco.

Buenos días.Me llamo Gonzalo.M y estoy empezando a desarrollar un proyecto desde el cual llevare la gestión de contenidos (subir y descargar) por un portal hecho por mi junto con Alfresco de forma transparente para el usuario.Llevo ya unos días leyen...

gonial by Champ in-the-making
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how to send a differente email?

hi,I want to create a workflow who sending an email for all user, i have an idea, i can set a listner to the userTask and the class for this listner,get all users and sending all emails.I want a perfect solution.has anyone have an other idea??thanks.

bathio2014 by Champ in-the-making
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Bug in HistoricDetail with version 5.17.0??

Hello,I'm migrating my application from Activiti 5.14 to found a difference in the treatment of HistoricDetail (VariableUpdate type). The difference is when I store variables with "processEngine.getTaskService(). SetVariable()".I want to kn...

aitor by Champ in-the-making
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'Master' Webscript

Hello!I have a question related to webscripts of the Alfresco backend repository.Does it make sense to make just 1 webscript like:<webscript>    <shortname>Base Webscript</shortname>    <description>Base Webscript</description>    <url>/base/{method}...

LDAP integration issues

All, I'm sorry but I am re-posting this as I could not see my yesterday's post. With LDAP configured, I was able to start tomcat and Activiti-Explorer was up. Now I have a different issue. No matter which user I try with, activiti-explorer always say...

hari by Star Contributor
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