I think I understand.
Once the user logs in with their credentials, it will authorise the app because of the secret and key. It will send an oauth2 token and refresh token back to the app to be used/stored/whatever. The expiration time on an oauth2 token is very short as I have noticed.
Would it make sense for the app to refresh the token while it's running, but if it's shut down to have the user re-login, since the token will have likely run out by then (assuming someone shuts down their computer for the night and turns it back on the next morning, the token will be expired)
I haven't actually tried refreshing a token yet, I've just been requesting new ones. When the refresh token is called, does it allow for continued use of the original token, or does it just issue a new one?
And to answer your first question (I'm sorry for the inconsistent order), no, we don't want to use a single account as a proxy. If anything, we would like to avoid that. I was just confused because my dev account automatically linked to our repo without me doing anything (Maybe because it was the same email address?), so I thought each user of our app would have to create a dev account and link the app to it to be able to get certificates. If people are able to get certificates issued to the app just by having a regular alfresco account, that's great.
If I have any more questions, I'll be sure to ask you. Thanks for all the help thus far!
Val Samsonov