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Forum Posts

Only a template to show a document

Good afternoon all Have a question about FreeMarker Templates that I would need help with. What I need to get is a space to review some kind of documents, to do so what I want is the user to see the documents of this space in a view splited in two pa...

mrey by Champ in-the-making
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Integrazione con LDAP

Salve Ho l'onore di inaugurare questa sezione del forum  Sto utilizzando Alfresco Labs 3.0, integrato con Liferay, Cas ed LDAP.Ho correttamente configurato l'integrazione "additiva" (se mi passate il termine ) Alfresco-LDAP, nel senso che Alfresco ...

otakar81 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and Sharepoint integration

I am looking for code to access SharePoint resources (In Microsoft Learning Gateway) and either access them from OpenOffice on Windows, Linux and Mac or to copy/replicate/syndicate the contents from the MS SharePoint servers over to Alfresco. Is this...

cartoon by Champ in-the-making
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Virtualization with VMconverter

I've tried to convert to a VMware machine  my installation of Alfresco on Red Hat 4.5, but when I start the new virtual machine, Alfresco stops working.My questions are:has Alfresco some PATH to change if partition table changes?wich logs sould I exa...

teox by Champ in-the-making
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Déconnexion de l'interface web

Bonjour,j'aimerais savoir combien de temps, une session sur l'interface web reste active? sans toucher la souris?après ma pause du midi qui dure 2h, mon utilisateur est déco de sa session voulais juste savoir la durée d'une session, au bo...

crokette by Champ in-the-making
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how to add a dashlet to alfresco explorer

Hi team,I want to add a dashlet to the explorer i.e along with "browse spaces" and "content items".generally i can choose a custom template but there are two problems i want to add a dashlet to all the users permanently.that is controlling of this da...

mialfresco by Champ in-the-making
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probleme d'upload de fichier word

bonjourje suis arrivé à uploader des fichiers pdf et des fichier .txt sans probleme via une page jsp mais la je n'arrive à uploader des fichier word word via la méme page mon code d'upload ajoute une entete au fichier et à l'ouverture du fihcier j'ai...

Search 'All items' doesn't search in the properties

Hello,when i upload a document and set the "description" property for example to "Newsletter" and search in the quick search over all items with the searchterm "Newsletter" no matches will be found. If i search with the opensearch, there are also no ...

ddanninger by Champ in-the-making
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Instalar alfresco-recordsmanagement.amp - SOLUCIONADO!!

Muy buenas chic@s!. Estoy desesperada y le estaré agradecida de por vida a quien me resuelva este problema:Resulta que he instalado mi "alfresco_labs_3" y quiero instalar el módulo alfresco-recordsmanagement.amp. El caso es que me lo descargo y lo me...

danidanube by Champ in-the-making
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Error hhtp 404

Tengo una pc con linux centos 5, le instale alfresco community 2.9, luego quiese instalar alfresco war con la guia de instalcion que esta en el wiki unica diferencia es que ...

aporras by Champ in-the-making
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