we were running CIFS successfully on Alfresco 2.9. In 3.2 things have changed: the old configuration in $CLASSPATH/alfresco/extension/file-servers-custom.xml isn't recognized by Alfresco any more. I figured out that the configuration mechanism for CIFS changed and put the properties like the ports in alfresco-global.properties. That works great, the SMB server starts up (had permission errors before (linux)).
However, we need custom shares. The configuration file $TOMCAT/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/file-servers.xml doesn't have any influence any more (I wonder why it's still there). I found …/classes/alfresco/subsystems/fileServers/default/file-servers-context.xml which is "the one" - a completely different structure but it works, my changes are recognized. As I don't want to mess in the webapps directory I created a custom-file-servers-context.xml in $CLASSPATH/alfresco/extension/ which contains the "filesystemContexts" bean with my customizations. However, it doesn't get read by Alfresco. Any idea how to properly configure CIFS for 3.2?