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Configerable Multi-Level Approval Process

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am new to activity and have got an assignment to explore some part of activiti.
My Question is can we have Multilevel- Approval process in activity, where level of approver must be configured in property file or database also the list of approver for each level.

Also what will happen if someone form approver in level 3 rejects the task, will it go to level 2 ?

Please help

Thanks in Advance

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi Shivtiwari,

My Question is can we have Multilevel- Approval process in activity, where level of approver must be configured in property file or database also the list of approver for each level.

Also what will happen if someone form approver in level 3 rejects the task, will it go to level 2 ?
It depends on your process definition.


Hey Thanks martin.grofcik,

Can you please elaborate how can i achieve this?
Is it with the help of multiinstance feature of activiti

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi Shivtiwari,

how can i achieve this?

Multiinstance is one of the possibilities. Implementation really depends on your business requirements.


But as far as i have understood Multiinstance, There we dont have control over Rejection i.e.
1:- If the event is rejected at level 3 will it go to the approver of level 2 or submitter
2:- can we dynamically define no of levels of approver of fetch them from database and approver for each level

Also Thank you very much for your quick replies

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi Shivtiwari,

1:- If the event is rejected at level 3 will it go to the approver of level 2 or submitter

Multiinstance is sequential. You can put control logic into completitionCondition (isRejected => exit the loop)

  <multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="false"
     activiti:collection="assigneeList" activiti:elementVariable="assignee" >
    <completionCondition>${nrOfCompletedInstances/nrOfInstances >= 0.6 }</completionCondition>

How will the process handle the process flow after the loop depends on process definition (it is possible to return task to the previous approver or to the submitter.

2:- can we dynamically define no of levels of approver of fetch them from database and approver for each level

Yes, e.g. you can construct list of approvers and let multiinstance be driven by this list.

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