08-23-2007 08:31 AM
<aspect name="bla:contactable">
<property name="bla:lastchecked">
<property name="bla:emailaddress">
08-28-2007 04:15 PM
09-03-2007 09:05 AM
14:55:37,905 User:admin ERROR [node.integrity.IntegrityChecker] Found 1 integrity violations:
The association child multiplicity has been violated:
Source Node: workspace://SpacesStore/f7d07486-5a1c-11dc-8a59-19e8c96a8993
Association: Association[ class=ClassDef[name={http://www.baselgovernance.org/icar/model/knowledge_center/content/1.0}content], name={[blabla]/model/knowledge_center/content/1.0}test-child-association, target class={[blabla]/model/knowledge_center/content/1.0}smallet, source role=null, target role=null]
Required child Multiplicity: 1..1
Actual child Multiplicity: 0
14:55:38,051 User:admin ERROR [ui.common.Utils] A system error happened during the operation: Unknown Exception in Transaction.
The expected correct behaviour for Alfresco would be to show another dialog to the user where she can enter the composition'ed data.09-05-2007 08:25 AM
09-27-2007 07:52 PM
We have a design session planned for Friday on the topic of composite objects - both service implications (e.g. check-in) and UI.
Definitely something we will resolve - possibly with some help from a collabroative dev effort with a partner/customer.
09-30-2007 08:06 AM
10-01-2007 10:48 AM
10-01-2007 09:42 PM
What came out was that the steps to resolve ideal behaviour are actually in the copy and checkout services:
Comments welcome.
10-17-2007 06:16 PM
<config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="my:person">
<show-child-association name="my:postaladdresses"
display-label="Postal addresses"/>
00:05:18,327 User:admin ERROR [renderkit.html.HtmlGridRendererBase] Wrong columns attribute for PanelGrid document-details:document-props:assoc_my_postaladdresses:_id0: 0
11-12-2007 05:42 AM
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