Well not a lot of replies yet so I'll throw out my latest info on solving this. I'd appreciate any and all feedback (even if it's just to wish me good luck)
I decided to see if the existing Alfresco permission system could do what I needed. After a lot of digging through code, I finally created the following in a test webscript:
var nodeRef = avm.lookupNode("mywebsite–collaborative:/www/avm_webapps/ROOT/").nodeRef;
serviceRegistry.getPermissionService().setPermission(nodeRef, "GROUP_EVERYONE", "FullControl", true /*allow*/);
Note that code first retrieves the very base folder of my web project, and then it grants world/777/all access to everyone.And I thought this solved it! All users can indeed edit and create content inside this sandbox. However, as soon as a user submits any of their changes to the Staging sandbox, the permissions get all screwed up. I know that 'screwed up' isn't very descriptive, but I seem to be getting different results every time. This latest time I tried submitting the changes it I got:Caused by: org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMNotFoundException: 08130835 Not allowed to delete in store : mywebsite–workflow-8ec660c3-170d-4421-82d1-3702d8907eaf at /www/avm_webapps/ROOT
Are there any known issues with permissions and submitting to staging? Or am I missing something obvious?-Laura