I encountered a big problem in my alfresco-cmis installation. I am trying to make some queries via CMIS and I am not able to get the correct answer when I am using cmis:lastModificationDate. For example, I tested the following query: select cmisbjectId, cmis:name, cmisbjectTypeId from cmis:document where IN_FOLDER('workspace://SpacesStore/1a60ae05-2eac-4f1e-84bc-3c9abefb1f23') AND cmis:lastModificationDate < TIMESTAMP '2011-10-20T00:00:00.000Z'
This query returns an empty result. Therefore I checked the complementary query by changing "lesser than" < with "greater than" > : select cmisbjectId, cmis:name, cmisbjectTypeId from cmis:document where IN_FOLDER('workspace://SpacesStore/1a60ae05-2eac-4f1e-84bc-3c9abefb1f23') AND cmis:lastModificationDate > TIMESTAMP '2011-10-20T00:00:00.000Z'
I tested other timestamp format (instead of using Z I used +00:00 -00:00 and so on), but without any result.
The answer is always empty. I do not understand why. If I remove the "AND …" part, all documents are displayed. I am not able to find any log in the alfresco installation to check if any error is present (I tried by looking at catalina.out and alfresco.log).
Have you any idea to solve this problem? Thanks in advance! Livius
Thanks Andy, sorry, I thought the fix was available for the current Enterprise version (4.0.0)…
As you suggest I tried with the URL http://[alfresco]:[port]/alfresco/service/cmis with the previous quoted query but I still have no result (using timestamp). Is there any other URL I can use or timestamp format I should use?