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Forum Posts

EL not working in Virtual Server

Hi there,I have created a jsp site in WCM and everything is working more or less. I can even preview the site, however el (expression language) is not working in the preview. When I deploy the site on a local tomcat it works fine, but not when previe...

v912485 by Champ in-the-making
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regla de script

Hola que tal, en mi proyecto necesitamos que al subir un documento crear una copia en pdf de tal documento, para ello se creo una propiedad para el documento que es una casilla de verificacion la cual se debe marcar si se desea generar tal pdf, el pr...

kocoubb by Champ in-the-making
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WebScripts y PHP

Hola comunidad, estoy interesado en trabajar los WebScripts de Alfresco desde una aplicación remota echa en PHP, es decir crear paginas PHP que llaman a la url del WebScripts y muestran su contenido, he intentado hacerlo con curl, con ajax, pero no h...

jariel06 by Champ in-the-making
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Columns displayed in detail views for different spaces

Hi all,My goal is to customize the columns displayed in the details view (list of contents) based on the space.For example, for one Space, dedicated to Quality Documents Managment, I have to display Document reference, version, modification date, etc...

leroyjul by Champ in-the-making
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Assigner workflow à un groupe

Bonjour,j'utilise la version communautaire 2.1Voici mon problè démarre un workflow avancé sur un document. quand je veux l'assigner, je fais ma recherche et j'obtiens une liste d'utilisateurs dont certains n'ont pas accés aux documents.Ma questi...

gregb by Champ in-the-making
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Portal demo

Viva,Existe algum  portal demo com uma instalaçao do Alfresco Lab3 B, de modo a ser possivel testar o produto ?Antonio

Auditoría de correo electrónico

Hola a todos.En mi aplicación de Alfresco he creado un workflow simple que mueve archivos entre carpetas, y cada vez que uno de ellos se mueve se envía un correo electrónico a un usuario determinado.Necesito saber cuándo y a quién se envía cada corre...

jsv by Champ in-the-making
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Cluster Issues - New Content not showing on other servers

I'm running Alfresco 2.1 CE on Linux. I've created a clustered Alfresco environment on two servers. They share the same content store (and use local lucene index directories, of course). Despite having followed the Wiki instructions to the dot, I am ...

[SOLVED]Changing (or deleting) footer.

Hi,I would like to disable the footer (which says: "Supplied free of charge with…").I looked for the logo name and could not find it. I think the reason is that it's location (not link) is the following:

monitloth by Champ on-the-rise
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Filter workflow for user

I have 5 workflows in list when i start workflow. But I want user1 view 2 workflows and user2 view 3 workflows when start workflow. Please help me!Thanks and Regards.

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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