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Forum Posts

task have 2 branch

I have a problem that: from a task have 2 branchbranch 1: to end-statebranch 2: to other task with user assigneedI run this process with branch is succesful but in branch 1 is error: bpm_assignee is not provided. Please for me idea about design proce...

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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Respaldo y migracion

estimados:si quisiera repaldar todo lo que contiene mi alfresco y levantarlo en otra instalacion de alfresco, cual seria la mejor forma?

psantis by Confirmed Champ
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Anybody using CIFS to edit adobe files?

Hi,we are trying to set up environment where people are editing Adobe documents (indesign, pdf, photoshop) via CIFS. We have problems with CIFS disconnecting the Mapped drive constantly and therefore damaging open files. Especially while using SAVE A...

dmatejka by Champ in-the-making
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Exception with <authentication>none</authentication>

I have created a simple webscript to list content articles. Using Alfresco Community & WCM 2.9.0B.It works fine with <authentication>admin</authentication> (while logged in to Webclient as admin)But when I try to use <authentication>none</authenticat...

kapil_k by Champ on-the-rise
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Sample Webscript - asks for basic authentication?

Hi, I'm totally news to WebScripts… so I've started playing with the sample WebScripts provided with Alfresco 2.1.2.I launched Internet Explorer on my development machine and pointed the browser to the following WebScript:http://localhost:8080/alfres...

theorbix by Confirmed Champ
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ldap and user account creation at first login

Hello,I have LDAP authetication working properly as long as the user accounts have been synced up with Alfresco via the background sync process. Users in ldap directory are created by another application and might be logging into alfresco before the ...

gsvitak by Champ in-the-making
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Execute java code from within the client

Hi all!Since I am an Alfresco newbie, I would like to ask how I can execute a piece of Java code from within the Alfresco web client.Where should the corresponding jar be placed and what type of alterations have to be made to the various xml files?Th...

skontopo by Champ in-the-making
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Error de Openoffice

Hola a todos.Os comento un error que me surge al usar alfresco junto con openoffice. Lo primero que hago es cargar el openoffice con este comando:/opt/openoffice.org3/program/soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100; urp;StarOffice.ServiceMan...

xagaes by Champ in-the-making
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Obtener el password de un usuario por código

Buenas a todos.Es posible obtener la password de un usuario a partir de un nombre de usuario usando la API de Alfresco?Es decir necesito autenticar a un usuario por código sabiendo de él sólamente el nombre de usuario por lo que para hacer un "authen...

durdy48 by Champ in-the-making
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Dudas 'Visualizar detalles' sobre un espacio

Hola a todos,Tengo una duda respecto a la visulalización de los detalles de un espacioCuando tengo el listado de los espacios o subespacios, y hago click en Ver Detalles de uno de esos espacios, si no me equivoco se llama a la clase SpaceDetailsBean....

txakin by Champ in-the-making
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