I am trying to create a query to return all documents that have cmis:createdBy as the currently logged in user but am not sure how to get the user id. I have:
select cmis:name from cmis:document where cmis:createdBy=
This will be from a webservice .js page running in the share tier.
I am not certain what a "webservice .js page" is. If you are running as a JavaScript controller in a web script, there is a root-scoped object called person that will always equal the currently authenticated user. If you want the user name, you would ask for the person object's cm:userName property, like this:
Thanks for the reply. I got it working using select cmis:name from cmis:document where cmis:createdBy='" + user.id + "'
What I am getting is documents like dashboard.xml, I want to filter these out. Is there a way to filter by document extension. For example filter out .xml, .js,.ftl and just return .doc, pfd …