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CMIS document browsing per folder

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi all.

I recently started working on CMIS, and I have a requirement to allow the user to browse through a site for files.
Now I have been able to list the files of a single container (folder), however what I need is the ability to list all files within that Site that have a specific type.

I found this forum topic : but is does not fully fulfill my need.

In the end this files will be listed in a dialog box for the user to select one.

You help is much appreciated.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I made some progress on the DotCMIS and C# application and the code is available in Github, It is not yet completed .
Refer the attached.

This might give an idea for your requirement.
If you need help, please let me know.

Hi Murali

Some great work on that project, it certainly has shed a lot of light though my project is Web; which is not a problem. Thanks very much.
I will keep the topic open in case I need some help further.