I have been configuring alfresco 3.2 and have been unable to get any cache/index clustering at all to work. (file replication works)
Has anyone gotten clustering to work on 3.2 and if so any pointers?
i renamed ehcache-custome.xml.sample.cluster to ehcache-custom.xml
i set the alfresco.cluster.name=TestCluster and index.recovery.mode=AUTO flags in the global.properties file
set this flag in the log4j file for debuging
and i had nothing new in the logs about clustering show up about another node. When i turned several other flags to debug, i kept receiving errors about the localhost not listening on some port in the 30000s.
i have also verified the ports are open in teh firewall 4446 and 7800 both tcp and udp
since then i have also tried variations on the following flags in the global.properties file
alfresco.tcp.initial_hosts=[7800],[7800], localhost[7800]
thanks for any ideas