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CIFS in Alfresco 3.0

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Good afternoon all

We just installed Alfresco 3.0 Labs to check it out and see if we migrate from alfresco 2.3. We have installed it and it works fine for the moment, however there is something we dont get to work. "CIFS".

Following the instructions in the book "Alfresco - Entreprise Content Management Implementacion" we have uncomented the file-servers.xml file
               <attributes>anyFiles, multiplePaths , allowNoParams</attributes>
               <preprocess>confirm, copyToTarget</preprocess>

but  when we try to connect and map a network drive "\\MachineName_a\alfresco" we get the error message "Impossible to connect to network drive"

Is there anything that we are doing wrong? shall we introduce "localhost_a" or "" instead of the MachineName? Any specific change for Alfresco 3?

We have tried also the "localhost_a" or "" and does not work either.

Thanks a lot in advance for the help

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Remove the underscore character. i.e try \\MachineNameA

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi  there

I have tried your suggestion but when I try to map a folder using "\\MachineNameA\alfresco", what the system does is trying to conect to my machine as an Invitee… not to the Alfresco repository..

Anything else I must uncomment in the file-servers.sml file?

Thanks a lot in advance

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I have solved it, What I have done is changing the name of the pc, restarted the machine and write again "\\NewMachinameA\alfresco" and now worked fine. However the only issue is that I can only get connected mapping the drive in the same pc.

What should I do to map a network drive to my alfresco repository from an external pc connected to the network? I have tried using the local ip address but did not work


Imagine that I have an external server running alfresco at port 8083, with private IP address 11.111.111 what should I write to get the network drive mapped?

Thanks again for your help and time

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi there

None can explain me how should I do to connect a network drive in my pc, if my alfresco server is not in my local area network?

any help will be much appreciate it…. any place or document I shall review?

Thanks a lot

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi there

None can explain me how should I do to connect a network drive in my pc, if my alfresco server is not in my local area network?

any help will be much appreciate it…. any place or document I should review?

Thanks a lot

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

You should remove the a A and only use the ip-adress.
Or server name with the A appendend, ie SERVERA

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Loftux

Thanks a lot for the answer… I guess this is supossig that I use the port 8080 for Alfresco, if I use another port like 8443 for https, shall I write the "\\\alfresco"??

Thanks a lot again :wink:

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi there

Let me explain my doubt with my configuration as an example.

I have a server installed out of our LAN network, in another geographic location. This server "ServerA" has a static IP address 11.111.111. In this server I have two virtual machines using VMWare and Ubuntu, and NAT, so they both use the same IP address than "ServerA" 11.111.111. Lets call then VirtualServer_1 and VirtualServer_2. I have installed Alfresco 3 in both virtual servers, so what I have done using the NAT configuration of ServerA is redirecting port TCP 8081 for http to VirtualServer_1 and port TCP 8082 to VirtualServer_2. Alfresco Web system works fine.

I would like to get access to both repositories using CIFS (if possible) but dont know exactly how.

Two questions:

a) Before of this configuration I had Alfresco 3 installed in ServerA, so I tried to Map a network drive to this server "\\11.111.111\alfresco", but I always got the error message saying that the network was not reachable. I have tried this also in our LAN and only worked with the name of the server "\\NameServerA\alfresco", but if we use the ip address it does not work. ("\\\alfresco" does not work and "\\\alfresco" does not work either.

b) Once we know how to connect to Alfresco using CIFS, using the IP address to map the network drive, how can we do to configure the situation I explained above where we have two virtual servers using the same IP address??
We have tried "\\11.111.111:8081\alfresco" but did not work….  (sorry if what we tried is too stupid).

In the previous answer from Loftux it is mentioned that we should only use the ip address to map a network drive to alfresco repository using CIFs but we dont get it to work in Alfresco 3 following that instructions…. (only with server name in our LAN) any other file we should configure that we can be missing??

Any suggestion will be very welcome!, thanks a lot in advance

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
CIFS is a different protocol that HTTP, so it has nothing to do with with your port change. The port that are in use for CIFS is given by your windows client.
So you should not specify a port number.
Read more here and