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cifs error

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
while doing setting for CIFS
i.e going  to  window explore->tools->map network drive.
after providing path. i m getting error"network may having problem".
but my pc is connected to network and it's working fine.

i m using alfresco community edition 3.3g with window 7.

can any body help me to solve this prob.
thanks in advance

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Are you sure the CIFS server is running on your box? Go onto the machine Alfresco is installed and running on, open a command prompt and do a nbtstat -n command to see what's actually running on your box's NetBIOS table. If CIFS is up and running you should see a couple of entries with <yourmachinename>A in the table. Check that first.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Are you sure the CIFS server is running on your box? Go onto the machine Alfresco is installed and running on, open a command prompt and do a nbtstat -n command to see what's actually running on your box's NetBIOS table. If CIFS is up and running you should see a couple of entries with <yourmachinename>A in the table. Check that first.

Hello "bengrah",

I have been reading this forum for a while and taking in all the great advises posted by you and others. I thought I would register and post a big thank you to every one helping people like me and "chetna".

Just like "chetna" I had the same problem appeared on my system just before the end of Fri last week. So I spent this morning trying to fix it. I came to your post "bengrah and it all took care of it. I did the checks you suggested and to be honest I am not sure what I did exactly  :lol:  but the error message does not appear any longer which makes me happy.

Thank you for your help guys.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
No problem tuncatcher. One other thing you can do, and this is pretty handy if you're really not sure of the state of CIFS is to run the JMX console. Log onto the machine you've installed and are running Alfresco on. Open up Command Prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and navigate to the java directory you're using to run Alfresco, in the java > bin folder run an app called Jconsole.

You should get a window, click on the Remote Process radio button, and put the following in the text box: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:50500/alfresco/jmxrmi. In the Username box type controlRole and the password change_asap (these are the default values, so if you've never used the JMX console before this should work). The JMX console allows you to see the state of Alfresco and configure many of it's subsystems while the application is live. It also allows you to configure logging for different subsystems. So if you click on the MBeans tab, open up the log4j folder and scroll down to org.alfresco.smb.protocol. Open up this folder, and click on ATTRIBUTES. You should now see two fields, name and priority. Priority will be coloured differently meaning this is the only one you can edit. Change the value of this field to DEBUG. Then when you start Alfresco, you should see more logging related to CIFS, such as if the CIFS server is broadcasting and what port.

JMX console can be used for a wide variety of stuff within Alfresco, it's something handy I wish I knew about right at the beginning to be honest!
