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CIFS Connection Problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello All,

Firstly thanks for your time to look at my rather big problem.

I know there are a lot of posts regarding the issue but I cannot see that relates to my problem.

Anyway we are an IT company that recently took over a client that uses Alfresco on a windows server, now they were on a workgroup and all working fine, we have had to move them over to a windows 2003 Domain so alfresco is now on a domain controller.  They use a Z drive on there workstation to map to "\\server_a\alfresco".  Now sometimes it works fine but during random times users cannot connect and the Z drive looses connection and then it will not remap, sometimes it cannot see the share and other times it will not accept the username and password.  All other shares and network resources work just fine during the Z drive outage.  User will then try again in lets say half an hour and it works again.

Makes no sense, I have included my Config if that helps, I have never seen Alfresco before so please accept my apologies for my lack of understanding. Oh we are running version 2.2 (I think lol)

<alfresco-config area="file-servers">

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server">
      <host name="${localname}_A" domain="abcxyz"/>
      <comment>Alfresco CIFS Server</comment>

      <!– Set to the broadcast mask for the subnet –>

      <!– Use Java socket based NetBIOS over TCP/IP and native SMB on linux –>
      <tcpipSMB platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <netBIOSSMB platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <hostAnnounce interval="5"/>

      <!– Use Win32 NetBIOS interface on Windows –>
      <Win32Announce interval="5"/>

      <sessionDebug flags="Negotiate,Socket"/>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="FTP Server">
<!–      <debug flags="File,Search,Error,Directory,Info,DataPort"/> –>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystems">
         <filesystem name="Alfresco">

         <!– Add a URL file to each folder that links back to the web client –>

         <!– Mark locked files as offline –>

         <!– Desktop actions –>
         <!– Uses a client-side application to trigger a server-side action                         –>
         <!–   Echo - displays a message echoed from the server                                     –>
         <!–   URL  - launches a URL via the Windows shell                                          –>
         <!–   CmdLine - launches the Notepad application                                           –>
         <!–   CheckInOut - checks files in/out, drag and drop files onto the application           –>
         <!–   JavaScript - run a server-side script                                                –>
         <!–   JavaScriptURL - server-side script that generates a URL to the folder using a ticket –>
         <!–                   to avoid having to logon                                             –>

               <attributes>anyFiles, multiplePaths , allowNoParams</attributes>
               <preprocess>confirm, copyToTarget</preprocess>

            <accessControl default="Write">
               <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
               <address subnet="" mask="" access="Write"/>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystem Security">
      <authenticator type="alfresco">

      <globalAccessControl default="None">
         <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
         <address ip="" access="Write"/>

         <localuser name="user">
            <comment>Normal user account</comment>
         <localuser name="administrator">
            <comment>Administrator account</comment>


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Great work, Mieke & bvadmin,  did you think of updating the wiki about that ? That would be great.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you very much bvadmin  Smiley Very Happy ,
for a long time this was a big issue for me.
Such a problem that was almost forcing me to drop alfresco, because my users were suffering this random loss of connectivity with the Alfresco CIFS share.
I've just disabled the file sharing service on the NIC. I'll post the definitive result but by now it's working perfectly.
You should update the wikipage.
thank you.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
so is there a way to make work CIFS and SMB on Windows? I need both working on the same Windows server.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks bvadmin!

This got us to work CIFS for the first time.