I was itching to try out one more test, so here's the latest:
- Connect to 3.4d alf server (kubuntu) via CIFS (win XP)
- Send/Copy 1 massive directory (1.37GB, containing 736 files, 93 directories) TO the alf server -> WORKS
- Get/Copy that same massive directory FROM the server -> FAILS
- Able to browse CIFS
- Restart alf server
- Get/Copy that same massive directory FROM the server -> FAILS
- Able to browse CIFS
- Get/Copy a smaller subdirectory of the massive directory (351MB, 249 files, 14 directories) FROM the server -> WORKS
Now, I can refine my findings to hypothesize that we have an issue of direction (get), and after more narrowing, size. I'm going to get my staff to see what the magic size number is (between 351Mb and 1.37GB) that causes the overload. Perhaps it's not size but rather the time it takes to transfer? Paolo may have been onto something with his suggestion of a buffer/timeout setting …