07-14-2006 05:16 PM
07-17-2006 05:42 AM
<!– –>
<!– Generic factory for making indexers and searchers for a given protol or store –>
<!– –>
<bean id="indexerAndSearcherFactory" class="org.alfresco.repo.service.StoreRedirectorProxyFactory">
<property name="proxyInterface">
<property name="defaultBinding">
<ref bean="luceneIndexerAndSearcherFactory"></ref>
<property name="redirectedProtocolBindings">
<entry key="workspace">
<ref bean="luceneIndexerAndSearcherFactory"></ref>
<entry key="versionStore">
<ref bean="luceneIndexerAndSearcherFactory"></ref>
09-20-2007 09:45 AM
10-09-2007 06:51 AM
10-09-2007 10:21 AM
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