12-02-2016 02:59 PM
Hi Guys I have installed "alfresco-community-installer-201602-win-x64.exe" in my system, with english as a delfault language. But now my requiremet has changed and I have to change it to "Arabic".
So I have came across this this post Alfresco language packs which says download http://alf-trans.ossportal.org/files/alfresco-ar.jar & http://alf-trans.ossportal.org/files/share-ar.jar , copy them in tomcat/shared/lib folder under your Alfresco installation directory and restart Alfresco. I have done exactly the same but it is not working.
Secondly, I tried to look into how to change language of alfresco share which says that you have to modify "web-client-config-custom.xml" file to enable the admin to change language from "Alfresco Share", but I am not able to find any file with this name.
Could you please help me out as this is a production outrage?
Himanshu Jain
12-02-2016 04:05 PM
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