05-31-2006 08:50 AM
- folder A (drop zone)
rule R1: import all incoming ACP files in folder B
- folder B (incoming files)
rule R2: set a custom property to "new document"
at org.alfresco.repo.jscript.Node.save(Node.java:785)
4) After this crash, the database is corrupted (mySql, innoDB seems to be here but the transaction is not rollbacked).if (document != null)
// add the "myAspect" aspect and set the "stampStatus" to: "ToBeStamped"
if (document.hasAspect("corp:myAspect"))
document.properties["corp:stampStatus"] = "ToBeStamped";
var props = new Array(1);
props["corp:stampStatus"] = "ToBeStamped";
document.addAspect("corp:myAspect", props);
05-31-2006 09:43 AM
05-31-2006 01:12 PM
if (document != null)
// add the "myAspect" aspect and set the "stampStatus" to: "ToBeStamped"
if (document.hasAspect("corp:myAspect"))
document.properties["corp:stampStatus"] = "ToBeStamped";
var props = new Array(1);
props["corp:stampStatus"] = "ToBeStamped";
document.addAspect("corp:myAspect", props);
Moving the document.save() solves the problem as it is not required anyway after the addAspect() call.Tags
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