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@cappucino:How do i build a web app to create/deploy a proc?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
What are the steps in making a web app:
1. that creates/deploys a process?
2. is derived from one of the examples?

from Activiti engine, how does control come to my web app?

build.xml is difficult to follow - is it enuf?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
    I were watching the "World Cup" in night, too tired, Smiley Happy, I just see your question.  :shock:
    Before answering your ask, I have to say, I'm not a developer from Activiti Team, so I don't know my answer is exactly right or not, you can consider my answer only as a reference (I see JBarrez has replied for u). Haha.
    From my opinion, there are 4 independent components in activiti suite by now, they are:
    1. activiti-engine. It's a core component, it is a 'jar' package; you must deploy it into your AppServer's lib folder (ie. Tomcat's Lib)
    2. activiti-probe. It's used for admin-console, it is a 'war' package; it is being enhanced by activiti team.
    3. activiti-explore. It's used for user-console, it is also a 'war' package; being enhanced by activiti team at same time.
    4. signavio-modeler. It's used for modeling-tool in browser, it is contributed by Signavio team.
    …. future,  there will be activit-cycle, a collaborative tool.
    So I don't know why you need to make your own web-app application, what is its functionality?
    I guess, you want customize or extend the functionality for end-user? If so, there are two approaches, I think,
    1. Modify the activiti-explore project for your customization requirements (This project is built by Spring-Surf Framework mainly, maybe)
    2. Re-build a totally new web-app project by any technology you like and familiar with (Just like Jbarrez's anwser in another post Smiley Happy). But you need to know the DB-Schema Structure of Activiti and can read the information you desired from this db and render these information correctly for your own requirements (Start process, claim/complete process etc..)

    If you only want customizing some new 'Business-Process' definition files(and/or forms) and see your achievement in activiti-explorer by browser, there are also two approaches, I think.
    1. By an ant command. The target may utilize or simulate the example's build.xml.
    [size=150]<target name="[b]your target name[/b]" depends="[b]your right dependencies path[/b]">
    <sql driver="${jdbc.driver}"
   <zip destfile="[b]your customizing bar file name[/b]">
    <fileset dir="[b]your bar-file folder path[/b]">
     <include name="[b]your bar-file name[/b]"/>
     <include name="[b]your bar-file name[/b]"/>
   <taskdef name="deploy-bar" classname="org.activiti.impl.ant.DeployBarTask">
     # [b]Define any files you need for run this deploy target here[/b] #
   <deploy-bar file="[b]your bar-file path[/b]" />
    2. By write a Java Class and run this java class to deploy your new business-process definition files (You can study this: 'org.activiti.impl.ant.DeployBarTask').

    I recommend first one: utilize the build target in example's build.xml to deploy your own Bar File.

    That's all. Write so much, I don't know if it is satisfied your requirement.
    So the conclusion is: you DON'T need build a web-app to create/deploy a process; you need only use one of two method above to deploy your own process (a bpmn20.xml file in the Bar)