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Cannot see document Custom type properties , when checking

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
  I am trying out with "Custom Type" and its properties, I am referring the  docs by "Jeff Potts" Working with custom content types
I have created only one Custom  document type with two properties. I am able to see this "Document Types" and its properties, while selecting Advanced search options
I also able to see he document type, during defining rules
The problem I face is strange,
After I applying  a document with the custom Type, I don't see the Custon Type properties which I had defined.
I have gone through the document page 22- 25 , a lot of times, I cannot find out where I had made mistake, why I am not able to see the custom type  properties when I select document properties.
I am posting my configuration files,please guide me so that I know where I had gone wrong

My model.xml file is that

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!– Definition of new Model –>
<model name="sc:somecomodel" xmlns="">
<!– Optional meta-data about the model –>
<description>Someco Model</description>
<author>Jeff Potts</author>
<!– Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models
<!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
<import uri="" prefix="d" />
<!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
<import uri="" prefix="cm" />
<!– Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model –>
<namespace uri="" prefix="sc" />
        <constraint name="sc:LDconstraints" type="LIST">
            <parameter name="allowedValues">
                    <value>Article of Associations</value>
                    <value>Board Resolutions</value>
                    <value>Financial Leasing Agreement</value>
                    <value>Licenses-Intellectual Property</value>
                    <value>Minutes of Meetings</value>
                    <value>Mo Associations</value>
                    <value>Non-disclosure Agreement</value>
            <parameter name="caseSensitive">

   <constraint name="sc:purposeList" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
<value>Due Diligence</value>

<!– Enterprise-wide generic document type –>

<type name="sc:legaldept">
<title>Legal Department Documents</title>
    <property name="sc:lddoctype">
            <constraint ref="sc:LDconstraints" />
   <property name="sc:purpose">
<constraint ref="sc:purposeList" />

My "share-config-custom.xml" file has the following contents

     <!– cm:content type (existing nodes) –>
   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:legaldept">
         <!– Default form configuration for the cm:content type –>
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <show id="mimetype" />
               <show id="cm:author" force="true" />
               <show id="size" for-mode="view" />
               <show id="cm:creator" for-mode="view" />
               <show id="cm:created" for-mode="view" />
               <show id="cm:modifier" for-mode="view" />
               <show id="cm:modified" for-mode="view" />
               <!– tags and categories –>
               <show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:categories" />
               <!– cm:dublincore aspect –>
               <show id="cm:publisher"/>
               <show id="cm:contributor"/>
               <show id="cm:type"/>
               <show id="cm:identifier"/>
               <show id="cm:dcsource"/>
               <show id="cm:coverage"/>
               <show id="cm:rights"/>
               <show id="cm:subject"/>
               <!– cm:complianceable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:removeAfter" />
               <!– cm:effectivity aspect –>
               <show id="cm:from"/>
               <show id="cm:to"/>
               <!–  cm:summarizable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:summary" />
               <!– cm:translatable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:translations" />
               <!– cm:localizable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:locale" />
               <!– cm:ownable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:owner" />
               <!– cm:attachable aspect –>
               <show id="cm:attachments" />
               <!– cm:emailed aspect –>
               <show id="cm:originator" />
               <show id="cm:addressee" />
               <show id="cm:addressees" />
               <show id="cm:sentdate" />
               <show id="cm:subjectline" />
               <!– exif:exif aspect –>
               <show id="exif:dateTimeOriginal" />
               <show id="exif:pixelXDimension" />
               <show id="exif:pixelYDimension" />
               <show id="exif:exposureTime" />
               <show id="exif:fNumber" />
               <show id="exif:flash" />
               <show id="exif:focalLength" />
               <show id="exif:isoSpeedRatings" />
               <show id="exif:manufacturer" />
               <show id="exif:model" />
               <show id="exif:software" />
               <show id="exif:orientation" />
               <show id="exif:xResolution" />
               <show id="exif:yResolution" />
               <show id="exif:resolutionUnit" />

               <!– audio:audio aspect –>
               <show id="audio:album" />
               <show id="audio:artist" />
               <show id="audio:composer" />
               <show id="audio:engineer" />
               <show id="audio:genre" />
               <show id="audio:trackNumber" />
               <show id="audio:releaseDate" />
               <show id="audio:sampleRate" />
               <show id="audio:sampleType" />
               <show id="audio:channelType" />
               <show id="audio:compressor" />
               <!– cm:indexControl aspect –>
               <show id="cm:isIndexed" />
               <show id="cm:isContentIndexed" />
               <!– cm:geographic aspect –>
               <show id="cm:latitude" />
               <show id="cm:longitude" />
          <!–  sc:doc –>
           <show id="sc:legaldept" />
               <field id="cm:name">
                    <control-param name="maxLength">255</control-param>
               <field id="cm:title">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:description">
                     <control-param name="activateLinks">true</control-param>
               <field id="mimetype">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/mimetype.ftl" />
               <field id="size">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/size.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:taggable">
                     <control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
                     <control-param name="params">aspect=cm:taggable</control-param>
                     <control-param name="createNewItemUri">/api/tag/workspace/SpacesStore</control-param>
                     <control-param name="createNewItemIcon">tag</control-param>
               <field id="cm:categories">
                     <control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
               <field id="cm:originator" read-only="true" />
               <field id="cm:addressee" read-only="true" />
               <field id="cm:addressees" read-only="true" />
               <field id="cm:sentdate" read-only="true" />
               <field id="cm:subjectline" read-only="true" />
          <!– added extra  –>
          <field id="sc:legaldept" label-id="assoc.sc_legaldept" />


         <!– Document Library pop-up Edit Metadata form –>
         <form id="doclib-simple-metadata">
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <!– tags and categories –>
               <show id="cm:taggable" for-mode="edit" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:categories" />
            <edit-form template="../documentlibrary/forms/doclib-simple-metadata.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:name">
                    <control-param name="maxLength">255</control-param>
               <field id="cm:title">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:description">
                     <control-param name="activateLinks">true</control-param>
               <field id="cm:taggable">
                     <control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
                     <control-param name="params">aspect=cm:taggable</control-param>
                     <control-param name="createNewItemUri">/api/tag/workspace/SpacesStore</control-param>
                     <control-param name="createNewItemIcon">tag</control-param>
               <field id="cm:categories">
                     <control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
         <!– Document Library Inline Edit form –>
         <form id="doclib-inline-edit">
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:content" force="true" />
               <field id="cm:name">
                    <control-param name="maxLength">255</control-param>
               <field id="cm:title">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:content">
                     <control-param name="editorAppearance">explorer</control-param>
                     <control-param name="forceEditor">true</control-param>
  <config replace="true" evaluator="string-compare" condition="AdvancedSearch">
<!– Forms for the advanced search type list –>
<form labelId="search.form.label.cm_content" descriptionId="search.form.desc.cm_content">cm:content</form>
<form labelId="search.form.label.cm_folder" descriptionId="search.form.desc.cm_folder">cm:folder</form>
<form labelId="type.sc_legaldept" descriptionId="search.form.desc.sc_legaldept">sc:legaldept</form>

<!– cm:content type (creating nodes) –>
   <config evaluator="model-type" condition="sc:legaldept">
         <!– Default Create Content form –>
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:content" force="true" />
               <show id="mimetype" />
               <show id="app:editInline" force="true" />
               <field id="cm:title">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:content">
                     <control-param name="editorAppearance">explorer</control-param>
               <field id="mimetype">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                     <control-param name="contextProperty">mimeType</control-param>
               <field id="app:editInline">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                     <control-param name="contextProperty">editInline</control-param>
         <!– Document Library Create Google Doc form –>
         <form id="doclib-create-googledoc">
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:content" force="true" />
               <show id="mimetype" />
               <show id="gd:googleEditable" force="true" />
               <field id="cm:title">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/textfield.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:content">
                     <control-param name="editorAppearance">none</control-param>
                     <control-param name="forceContent">true</control-param>
               <field id="mimetype">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                     <control-param name="contextProperty">mimeType</control-param>
               <field id="gd:googleEditable">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/hidden.ftl">
                     <control-param name="contextProperty">googleEditable</control-param>
         <!– Search form –>
         <form id="search">
               <show id="cm:name" />
               <show id="cm:title" force="true" />
               <show id="cm:description" force="true" />
               <show id="mimetype" />
               <show id="cm:modified" />
               <show id="cm:modifier" />
           <!– sc:lddoctypeRelated –>
               <show id="sc:lddoctype" />
               <show id="sc:purpose" />
               <!– sc:webable –>
               <show id="sc:isActive" />
               <show id="sc:published" />
               <field id="mimetype">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/mimetype.ftl" />
               <field id="cm:modifier">
                     <control-param name="forceEditable">true</control-param>
               <field id="cm:modified">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/daterange.ftl" />
               <!– sc:lddoctypeRelated –>
               <field id="sc:lddoctype" label-id="prop.sc_lddoctype">
                <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/selectone.ftl" />
               <field id="sc:purpose" label-id="prop.sc_purpose">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/selectone.ftl" />
               <!– sc:webable –>
        <!–  <field id="sc:isActive" label-id="prop.sc_isActive">
                   <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/checkbox.ftl" />
               <field id="sc:published" label-id="prop.sc_published">
                   <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/daterange.ftl" />

  <config evaluator="aspect" condition="sc:legaldept">
  <show id="sc:published" />
  <show id="sc:isActive" />
  <field id="sc:published" label-id="prop.sc_published" />
  <field id="sc:isActive" label-id="prop.sc_isActive" />

<!– Document Library config section –>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">

<!– Aspects that a user can see –>
<aspect name="sc:webable" />
<aspect name="sc:lddoctypeRelated" />
  <!– Aspects that a user can add. Same as "visible" if left empty –>

<!– Aspects that a user can remove. Same as "visible" if left empty –>

<type name="cm:content">
<subtype name="sc:legaldept" />

I do not come from Java, XML programming background, I would like to request help in solving this issue.
Joseph John

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Redone the configuration from scratch, I am able to see the Custom Document properties, but so far I did not figure it out, what is wrong

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

You specified wrong field under field-visibility section. You put <show id="sc:legaldept" /> (which is your custom type) while your custom properties are called sc:lddoctype and scSmiley Tongueurpose. The same is with appearance section. You are specifying how the field should be rendered and not the content type.

In config file you are configuring appearance for your custom content type. For that purpose you defined element <config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:legaldept">. Now inside that element you have to specify what fields (properties) shall be visible when you open details page. You do that under form –> field-visibility section by listing all properties (your custom and from parent type) you want to see on properties page.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise