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Cannot Delete 'Sample Web-Site Design Project'

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have installed Alfresco 4.2e and cannot delete the swdsp (Sample Web-Site Development Project) as the administration user. I think it's related to this:


I have tried:

<li>Logging in as administrator</li>
<li>Letting EVERYONE be a site owner of that site</li>
<li>Commenting out the 'sys::undeletable' configuration in siteModel.xml</li>
<li>Attempting to delete it by WebDAV</li>
<li>Attempting to delete it using the Android Application</li>

None of these work, <strong>at all</strong>.

I have tried with a custom install and a basic install and I simply cannot get rid of this unwanted data.

I'd prefer not to have to write any Java code to do this…


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You should be able to delete it by share, that's how it's supposed to work.   Its not supposed to be deletable via WevbDav or Android.

Commenting out from the siteModel.xml  - what.  Please don't do that

…  If you really want to knobble the undeleatble aspect then over-ride the following bean
    <bean id="undeletableAspect" class="org.alfresco.repo.node.UndeletableAspect" init-method="init">
        <property name="nodeService" ref="NodeService"/>
        <property name="policyComponent" ref="policyComponent"/>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the quick response however the software clearly indicates that one "should be able to delete it by share" but I cannot figure out how to actually do this.

Here are the steps I take:

<li>Install Alfresco 4.2e on Centos 6.5 accepting all the defaults (the easy install option)</li>
<li>Login in with the password
  <ul><li>There is only the administrator login at this point in time</li></ul>
<li>Goto the "Sites" tab/page</li>
<li>Attempt to delete the site</li>

Then I get the error.

When Alfresco talks about "share" does it mean the web application that is usually configured to listen to port 8080 in the /alfresco directory? For example, http://localhost:8080/alfresco.

Or does Alfresco mean something else?

The simple fact of the matter is that no matter what I've tried, I cannot delete the site (see my previous attachment for the error).

Of course I understand that mucking about with the siteModel.xml is <em>wrong</em> but considering that all I had done was install Alfresco 4.2e from scratch and had no customer data at all, I figured that I may as well try something.

You mention this:

<bean id="undeletableAspect" class="org.alfresco.repo.node.UndeletableAspect" init-method="init"><property name="nodeService" ref="NodeService"/><property name="policyComponent" ref="policyComponent"/></bean>‍‍‍‍‍‍

That is a reference to the undeletableAspect. How would I override that to return false (i.e. nothing is unable to be deleted - excuse the double negative here).



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
When Alfresco talks about Share,  its the Alfresco Share webapp.  

Normally at http://localhost:8080/share     

Its the Share WebApp that knows about "sites".

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
In Alfresco Share the "delete site" option is slightly tricky to find.

First find the site with the "Site Finder"   under the Sites Menu,

If you have sufficient permissions then a "delete" button is available on the Right Hand Side

I am adding just a very little notice, in case some user/developer has having problems in deleting the sample web site project. The version I tried is 4.2.e community.

On a clean installation, if you log as administrator, and follow the instruction, you may wonder why the button 'delete' is not present next to the site name. By default administrator is a simple contributor of such site.
Many of us are maybe expecting that the administrator has full rights on the whole installation by default.

So, rather than creating and promoting a user to the sample site as many suggests, stay 'administrator' instead, go to the swsdp dashboards, click on the 'mechanical wheel' icon next to site name and choose 'became administrator' or a similiar translation.

Then go to the search site again and you will see the delete button appears.
The concept is the same, you need sufficient permissions to perform this action, but it's much quicker than creating or inviting a new user.