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Can't clear tomcat cache

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I copied the wcmqs.war file and redeployed under other names to get a second copy of it up and working and now it seems all the deployments are getting their data from the same Space instead of from their own spaces.  I have no idea how this is happening.  I deleted the "Work" folder under C:\Alfresco\tomcat.  So there shouldn't be anything cached there and restarted.  None of the spaces point to the new webapp location (sgdev, sgprod).  so I don't know how the webapp knows anything about the Sample Space unless somehow it's hard coded or something.  But then it wasn't finding it before so that would make me say it isn't hard coded, but I can't figure out where this is cached.  I cleared my browser cache too.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
As I mentioned before, this is a known omission. The selection of website (Alfresco space) is done based on host name and port currently - the context isn't taken into account. We will resolve this in the next release, but in the meantime using host aliases should provide a workaround. On Windows that will involve editing the "hosts" file in the folder "Windows\System32\drivers\etc" so you have a different host name configured for each website: "sgdev.localhost" and "sgprod.localhost", for example. Then edit the host name property on the website nodes ("Quick Start Editorial" and "Quick Start Live") in Share to match.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making