07-23-2009 04:40 PM
07-24-2009 06:17 AM
07-24-2009 06:57 AM
I am not from the CRM business, but knowing sugarCRM and some others from review, I dont think you want to rebuild your own CRM application with Alfresco. Don't get me wrong, you could definitely do it. But Alfresco is firstmost a repository. Its strength is storing, handling and providing - mainly documentcentric - content. Even more so as you stress the point, that CRM is your core business application.
On first site, I would recommend following approach
* use Alfresco as smart networkfolder with fulltext search, versioning and process support.
* use Microsoft Office oder OpenOffice to work your documents, stored on alfreso spaces
* setup emailarchive/recordkeeping/auditing processes in due time, using alfresco
* think about scanning all your paperdocuments into alfresco ….
* use Alfresco to publish your finalized documents to specific locations/tagclouds/categories, providing access for "the others".
* look for a CRM tool, that fits your CRM needs best - one of them beeing (a potential) integration with Alfresco, where possible
if Alfresco WCM does not fit your needs
* maybe use Alfresco WCM to deploy your publshed content to a "provider" website, which can be integrated with your real CMS
* or use Joomla/Drupal for your website, there are integration approaches under the way for that.
* Provide a customer community site with liveray or alfresco share
In other words - do not underestimate your documenthandling efforts, keeping all your product data up to date, searchable and coordinated. All around document - Alfresco is perfect for it.
I hope that helpes a bit
07-24-2009 07:06 AM
07-24-2009 07:44 AM
Alfresco & SugarCRM is done. See http://www.sugarforge.org/projects/alfresco/Zaizi, that's excellent news for us. Even if the modules are in beta they would save us an incredibly amount of time as we are mainly considering Alfresco, SugarCRM and Drupal. Thank you kindly for the valuable information, Zaizi.
Alfresco & Drupal / Joomla is done: For Drupal checkout http://drupal.org/project/cmis_alfresco and http://drupal.org/project/alfresco and for Joomla http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/bridges/6947/details.
Alfresco & Wordpress / Blogger is available out of the box with Alfresco.
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