We are now seeking for BPM solution in our project.And I'm newbie of acitiviti. In our project,we need show user a diagram of a process diagram(BPMN),and most importantly,we need highlight show the current node of which step the instance has been take in. I'm wondering,can activiti do this?
Activiti probe has this functionality and you can also use it from your own java-code to generate png files of the process diagram with the active steps highlighted.
Have a look at org.activiti.rest.api.process.ProcessInstanceDiagramGet and org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.diagram.ProcessDiagramGenerator.
Thanks a lot! But I checked the probe(logged in with kermit),I can only view the process diagram,I didnt find the process instance diagram and the highlighted nodes as I desired. If the java-code can generate the diagram,that's OK too. And BTW,activiti is very powerful.thanks for you guys' hard work!