Hi Janv
I did not try CIFS yet in multy-tenant mode. I have readed the Alfresco Multy-Tentant documentation, but there is a sentence that cofuses me a little bit:
In the lik you passed to me in your previous reply, in the section "Tenant Aware Interfaces" the last point of the section says:
"CIFS is not currently supported"
So my question would be, Can I have two tenants being administered by the same Alfresco 2.9 Installation, and use CIFS with each of them to move documents to their spaces??.
If the answer is yes, then I think the documentation should be changed to avoid possible confusions like the one I am having.
And if the answer is no, what can we use to bulk upload documents to the spaces of each of the tenants we admin in 2.9??
Once again, thanks a lot for your help and quick answers.