ok I've found what's wrong, in the meantime I've learnt how to write and execute scrips in java script. The is the only positive thing as I'm a bit dissapointed tha nobody experieced helped me. I'm completly new to alfresco and usually working with documentum
propably it's a bug in alfresco or oracle driver
there's a custom aspect with property defined like:
<property name="synergy:tag">
In table ALF_NODE_PROPERTIES there are corresponding rows and value is stored in colum serializable_value. For corrupted nodes the value is null but it shouldn't. What I'm going to do is to delete these rows I think it should be safe
PS It looks it helped I've checked it on test system
- is there a way to clean caches after it, I don't want to restart the server
- I'm wondering how to protect to avoid such case, I can reproduce it though I cannot find exact rules: I create a node with one (or a few) tag. Next node is updated with about 100 tags and sometimes there is an error during save and sometimes not. Anyway there are corruped nodes so every batch process crashes and front end interface shows errors too often