04-10-2013 05:35 AM
04-10-2013 07:30 AM
04-10-2013 04:15 PM
04-10-2013 04:19 PM
04-11-2013 07:42 AM
.execute(new RecordingCommand(activeEditor.getEditingDomain()) {
protected void doExecute() {
final AddContext context = new AddContext(new AreaContext(), userTask);
final IAddFeature addFeature = featureProvider.getAddFeature(context);
context.setLocation(x, y);
if (addFeature.canAdd(context)) {
final PictogramElement add = addFeature.add(context);
featureProvider.link(add, new Object[] { userTask });
The userTask object is also added to the flowElement list of the process in the model.04-11-2013 09:21 AM
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