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Forum Posts

Integration Alfresco in Java Web-Applikation

Hallo zusammen.Wir suchen ein (W)CMS, das wir in eine bestehende Java Web-Applikationintegrieren können.D.h. derzeit stehen die Texte (=Inhalt, Content) direkt in den JSP Seiten derAnwendung mit drin und sind somit nur von den Software-Entwicklern än...

hkrause by Champ in-the-making
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Como usar 'my task to do'

Buenas,Estoy probando el dashlet "my task to do" y no muestra información de los workflows simples, ¿es esto correcto?He probado a crear un workflow ad-hoc o Review & Approve y si que aparece en "my task to do" pero el problema es que me obliga a def...

Support for Hebrew in Alfresco

Hi there,I have successfully installed my Alfresco on a Ubuntu server and I like very much the simplicity of this solution. I tried to use Hebrew language inside and I had some troubles with topics headers. The body of the topic was OK although it wa...

tsharoni by Champ in-the-making
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Access to variables - When - Where - What

Good evening everybody, I am a bit at a loss working with the workflow variables: The questions is rather simple - Which variable is accessible where - and how. I learned there are * task-related variables : The variables from the task form ?* proces...

norgan by Champ in-the-making
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Comparaison puissance serveur -FlexSpace Air & Share

Bonjour,j'utilise Alfresco dans un 1er temps dans une structure "moyenne", d'une 50aine de machines (le service informatique de ma collectivité). Enfin, j'utiliserai plus précisément, puisque l'outil sera mis à disposition des utilisateurs une fois q...

magic date - 25 october

Does anyone else  have this problem .. I have two days shown as 25 october .. both Sunday and monday! It does not affect other weeks before or after!!!Did one of the Alfresco developers have a birthday on 25 oct so he wanted two days!Napata

napata by Champ in-the-making
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how can I be informed of repository contend updates?

Please, how can my client application talking to Alfresco be informed, that repository content has changed?I dont ask for a big explanations, a good href is enoughI mean:1) Flex application (RIA-client) talk to Alfresco via CMIS (or any other way), a...

esafonov by Champ in-the-making
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RM Certification

I just heard that Alfresco has completed DoD5015 certification sucessfully.  Any idea on release dates for Community and Enterprise?

mlarkinmn by Champ in-the-making
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Hallo,ich habe Eclipse auf Alfresco eingerichtet und alles scheint ok zu sein. Was ich zuletzt gemacht habe, ist das Ant Projekt Erzeugung.Jetzt habe ich keine Ahnung, wie ist weiter geht? Habe versucht Tomcat zu starten, hat es aber nicht geklappt?K...

kutaa_6527 by Champ on-the-rise
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Implement search user sandbox

Hello Everyone,I want to get the links to news articles that a user creates from  a user sandbox not staging sandbox; based on the most recent creation and expiration dates and types of news article (for example main headline and sub headline). Thus,...

koolalfdev by Champ in-the-making
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