I try to debug code when I drag and drop a boundary message event into a receive task.
The crux methods are in stencil-controller.js (dropCallback, overCallback, outCallback, startDragCallback and so on)… In this methods there are some calls to KISBPM and oryx-debug and when the execution in stencil-controller.js finishes, the flow returns to angular-dragdrop.
I don't know why if I drag and drop for the first time a boundary event in the draw canvas this methods are called, but if I move later that boundary event those methods won't call (the dropCallback method is called when I release the boundary event in a task).
The result is that described by me in the first post: when the boundary event is drag and dropped for the first time, it isn't exported, but If I interact again with it, the exportation is correctly performed.
I try to analyze the HTTP responses to get JSON about the process, see the attachements.
The correct json file contains the response of the model which successfully exported. There are some differences, but , in my opinion the most important is the presence of the outgoing resource id of the boundary event in the childshapes of the receive task