I need the application load an actions menu depending if he is administrator or not.
I've alreday created a custom menu actions in web-client-config-actions.xml
I'm using the following code to check if the user is admin:
a:booleanEvaluator value="#{NavigationBean.currentUser.admin == true}" id="evalA">
<td style="padding-left:4px" width=80>
<%– More actions menu –%>
<a:menu id="actionsMenu" itemSpacing="4" label="#{msg.more_actions}" image="/images/icons/menu.gif" menuStyleClass="moreActionsMenu" style="white-space:nowrap">
<r:actions id="acts_browse" value="browse_actions_menu" context="#{NavigationBean.currentNode}" />
I need to include an ELSE tag or something like that, so in case the user is not admin, the application load a custom actions menu.
Thanks in advance,