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Forum Posts

How to get All process-instances ?

Hi , I am using Activiti 5.17 and trying out JAVA API for process-instances.How can I get all instances in one call ??thanxHamza

bechlem by Champ in-the-making
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Creating test model fails

Hello,I am new to alfresco just doing first steps…Trying to run example from here: stuck on:"Step 3: Register t...

modestas by Champ in-the-making
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Firing a listener when a task's due date passes

Hello,  I am using Activiti 5.17. I have a bunch of user tasks that have a due date sent on them. Is there some way to setup Activiti so that a listener is invoked when the due date of the task has passed and the task has still not been completed? Th...

nmandya by Champ in-the-making
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Tomcat server is not starting...

I am new to Alfresco. I was succesfully installed the alfresco community edition & everything works fine. But suddenly I didnt understand I observed that alfresco tomcat is not starting…. If you manually start the server it is not starting. Any help ...

JCR Client

Is there a way to run the FirstJCRClient (from the former SDK) with Alfresco 5.0.d? Where is application-context.xml? I have already read all the documentation about SDK 2.1 and Maven stuff.

revueletre by Champ in-the-making
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How to hide fields in 'data lists' - Alfresco 5.0 Enterprise

Hi all,I am using Alfresco 5.0 Enterprise, I created new 'Task List Advanced' in one site. In new item, I can see many fields like Title, Description,Start Date, End Date,Assignee, Priority, % Complete, etc… But I want to remove some fields like Prio...

Getting wrong sub-process ID

Hi We are using Activity 5.14. We have a process(X,Y,Z) which is a sup-process of a sub-process.Based on the user's input it has to go process(X), but it skips x and goes to y directly.When we check the Activiti tables it shows that the task is with ...

ProcessInstance only returned after task ended

Hello,I am trying to use Activiti as a sort of "pimped up" state machine -> the Process only contains ServiceTasks which point towards Java Delegates. In order to monitor the state of a running process I would like to access the processInstance Objec...

kkdw by Champ in-the-making
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