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Forum Posts

No encuentra la carpeta donde guardar el documento

Buenas chic@s.He cambiado algo el código que tenia para trabajar con Alfresco, ya que tenía problemas cuando queria guardar un documento en una carpeta ya existente en el proyecto.Con la modificación actual he dejado el código tal que así:   public S...

gonial by Champ in-the-making
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Retriy issue (Unknown method used in expression on RuntimeException)

Hi,consider a simple diagram with start, end and just a task service (see attachement), where the method invoked by task service only throws a RuntimeException in order to trigger a retry.But on first retry the following exception is thrown:ERROR 17:...

alef by Champ in-the-making
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multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics with an empty list

Hello,I'm using a multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics with a List in my Activiti process. It works fine, except when the list is empty (the list is not null, it's just empty).When the list is empty I have this error :19 mai 2011 16:42:14 org.activiti.en...

harry11 by Champ in-the-making
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Can't get historicTaskInstance By unfinished filter

Hi~ i have some tasks completed and deleted before completed.and i tried  historySrv.createHistoricTaskInstanceQuery().finshed() and unfinished().here is the test code      Task task = taskSrv.newTask();      task.setName("test execution");      task...

5.0.d - CIFS SMB Exception - passthru and ldap properties included

Trying to get CIFs working.Version: 5.0.dNote I did remove sections that contained passwords and other things we really don't want leaving here.LDAP authentication seems to work just fine in the web portal. I have done the Local settings in windows c...

dataman by Champ in-the-making
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Can't delete Sample site

Why is it SO hard to delete stuff?  Share is unable to delete files often, but I can always (so far) delete via Explorer.  I really need to remove the Sample site, but you can't use Explorer for sites and Share says "deleting site" (yes, I am admin o...

ddelapasse by Champ in-the-making
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Disable Trashcan

Hello,Is there away to disable the trashcan completely?Thank you

raym by Champ in-the-making
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That is responsive version of alfresco

Hi guys, Currently I have Alfresco Community version 5.0B, I wonder if it fits the screen of mobiles (responsive) if not, what would be the version that is whether alfresco responsive. I need some answersThank you very much.

joseph by Confirmed Champ
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Grupos por Site

Buenas tardes a todos, una vez más estoy aquí (tengo monopolizado los últimos temas del foro jejejeje) con nuevas preguntas. Me he leido los post sobre grupos y roles, y he creado un grupo y me funciona correctamente. Mi problema es que quiero que di...

abedoya by Champ on-the-rise
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Can I get an Alf ticket from CMIS session?

I was hoping to stick with CMIS for my web server application but there are few places where I will have to access Alfresco directoy (get mandatory aspects for a given type).  Do I have to authenticate using /alfresco/service/api/login.get.desc.xml? ...

ddelapasse by Champ in-the-making
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