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Forum Posts

Stop workflow execution

Hi, I need to stop workflow at some point of the execution and reactivate it, possibly acting on retries.How can I do that?

alef by Champ in-the-making
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Start event timer not firing.

I am still learning activiti. I am trying to do some simple process, that shows a message every minute.So i declare<c>    <startEvent id="timerstartevent1" name="Timer start">      <timerEventDefinition>        <timeDuration>PT1M</timeDuration>      ...

nikz2 by Champ in-the-making
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cancelActivity = true in boundary event does not cancel process flow

Hi,I am currently playing around with SignalBoundaryEvents. I have this simple BMPN model depicted here and outlined in xml below:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><definitions xmlns="

kkdw by Champ in-the-making
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Reduce permissions of colloborator

Hi All, I have come across a requirement where in I have to allow the user only to add or update the content in the site but not delete the content. I have searched the earlier posts and have added a rule to the folder where in I change the owner to ...

hari by Star Contributor
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Simple, Maintained Activiti Web App Example

Hello,I am looking for a simple, maintained Activiti example with a UI web application and a process of a few steps. As part of the distribution I can only find the explorer, which is a very heavy weighted implementation. All other examples are witho...

elmarweber by Champ in-the-making
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Surf + Alfresco

Hi,I'm trying to set up my environment to work with version 50d of Alfresco and Surf (ad-hoc version)I've used the maven command:mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=

thomasg by Champ in-the-making
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'No Items' in user home - only for admin user

Hi,I am having a problem with our new Alfresco Installation (Ubuntu, Postgres, Tomcat, Solr, Community 4.0.d). We had to reinstall yesterday after attempting to change the data directory to point at an NFS Share went awry (long story, but essentially...

Dúvidas sobre workflows

Olá estamos utilizando o Alfresco a algum tempo em fase de teste na minha empresa para verificar se vamos implementa-lo porém surgiu um certo problema que não sabemos como contorná-lo, foi criado um sistema de pasta com restrições para cada usuário, ...

Exact search with case insensitive

Hello everyone!I'm using this expression to search a string custom property of my treetring query = "PATH: \"/" + myPath + "/cm:" + folder + "//.\"" + " AND TYPE:\"" + myType + "\""             + " AND =@mod\\:" + myCustomProperty + ":\"" + searchVal...

spilby by Confirmed Champ
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activiti-explorer/service/model/56/json not found

get the soure from github activiti 5.17.0.  try to compile activiti-web-explorer2 ,when create a model ,show the model design page, menu and other not show .the console have error is activiti-explorer/service/model/56/json not foundanythings i missed...

lifeiez by Champ in-the-making
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