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Forum Posts

Timer start event slacking when multiplice processes are running

I have a timer startevent that starts a service task every 10 seconds.the service task launches another independent asynchronous process that takes 2-3 days to finish.Well, this works fine for the first 3-4 minutes.. after that, the timer startevent ...

robinho by Champ in-the-making
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Setting up Oracle database for Activiti

Hi experts,I'm switching Activiti application from in-memory database to Oracle. Scripts,, were successfully executed and all tables were created...

jubedus by Champ in-the-making
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Activiti 1.4 explorer navigating to links give errors

Dear Experts,I am using Alfresco 5.x with Activiti 1.4. Now We have two nodes in cluster and using SiteMinder is obvious when we using SiteMinder SSO login, default admin credentials not working.But even I try with direct link, My /...

g_rathod by Star Contributor
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Start Process by Disabling Validation

Hi,I am parsing a bpmn file using Activiti and all goes well. However, if I do not define any 'script' in Script Task then bpmn file will not get deployed. I was going through the functions and came across "disableValidation" function. Now when I cal...

custom rest service error

helloi m using actviti-rest service to run my application its done verywell.but my requriment  is something more so i m decide to make own rest service for this i m using spring-boot to make my own service .i am run through curl {curl localhost:8080/...

skverma02 by Confirmed Champ
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Welcome to Alfresco Records Management

Welcome to this new forum for Records Management. If you are interested in using Alfresco for records management and want to share your views, questions and burning issues this is the place for you. We have created this with the advent of the Alfresc...

Mettre a disposition un simple workflow pour un editeur

Bonjour,Je souhaiterai mettre en place pour un éditeur la possibilité d'accepter, d'approuver un document dans un simple workflow.J'ai trouvé comme exemple ce tuto bref, j'ai un groupe d'utilis...

alextenev by Champ in-the-making
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How to hide Upload file button in document library

Hello.I have a requirement where I want to hide the Upload file button and show it only if we are under a certain folder.For getting started I created a extension module that hide the button in all cases(I will be creating a custom evaluator later) b...

Allow Documents download for only a specified group

Hello,I want to allow the document download action only available for a particular usergroup.I found thoses solutions but they don't apply to Alfresco 5.0.d:

Referential integrity constraint violation

Hi,I receive the following exception during my process execution:### Error updating database.  Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Referential integrity constraint violation: "ACT_FK_VAR_BYTEARRAY: PUBLIC.ACT_RU_VARIABLE FOREIGN KEY(BYTEARRAY_ID_) R...

fbrcls by Champ in-the-making
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