Hi experts,
I'm switching Activiti application from in-memory database to Oracle. Scripts activiti.oracle.create.engine.sql, activiti.oracle.create.history.sql, activiti.oracle.create.identity.sql were successfully executed and all tables were created in the database. Application starts up fine and gets initialized without any problems. However, I get the following error when I try running one of my Activiti workflows.
Hibernate: select hibernate_sequence.nextval from dual
[2016-03-09 10:02:35] [W] [SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions:144] SQL Error: 2289, SQLState: 42000
[2016-03-09 10:02:35] [E] [SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions:146] ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
My workflow takes a couple of variables that are persisted in JPA repository. I understand that the error is returned because Hibernate can't find the sequence for generating IDs for my variables.
My question is whether I need to create this sequence myself or it's created by one of the scripts that I missed? Thanks a lot in advance!
By the way, I have the following settings to ensure that DDL scripts are not executed on start-up