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Need Help.... new to Tomcat... no login page

Any Idea what i have to do to get this runningrg.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPGenerated servlet errornly a type can be imported. resolves to a packageGenerated servl...

jdmnation by Champ in-the-making
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check out - check in - editing

As I am wandering through the functionalities of the software (usiong version 1.4), I came across the checking out of documents.When a user checks out a document, a working copy of the document is created in a space (default in the same space as the ...

jora by Champ in-the-making
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Voilà ma configuration : j'aimerais installer alfresco...

Bonjour,Voilà ma configuration : j'aimerais installer alfresco sur un serveur (debian) sur lequel tourne déjà un apache avec quelques applications php. Si j'execute AlfrescoCommunity-2.0-Linux-x86-Install, cela va-til rajouter les composants manquant...

Record Management Errors

When i add an aspect of RM:Record to a document then edit the (record) attributes for the document then click on record hold/cutoff/obsolete i get the following error. it maybe because i am not doing something correctly, however i am not sure if this...

kurtkbee by Champ in-the-making
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Corrupt files

Hello,atm I'm facing a quite weird problem. I think the root of this problem is that our /tmp volume (before I didn't even know that Alfresco uses a temp location - can this be configured anywhere?) ran out of space which led to several exceptions. A...

Problems with installing recordsManagement-1.0.amp

I use Version: Community Network - v2.0.0 (build-185) on windows and i installed the amp after having reconfigured my ModuleManager.bat to:@echo offrem Install an AMP file into an Alfresco WARrem set the LIB_DIR value to point to the Alfresco lib dir...

Error after installing recordsManagement.amp

I have installed the recordsManagement module and it works fine.However, when going to the group management module I noticed that the newly created group GROUP_Record Managers generates an error:A system error happened during the operation: An author...

Alf 2.0 to 2.1 Update (Tomcat)

How do I take the dev code for 2.1 and use it to update the 2.0 installation??  I copied it over now i get:\alfresco>alf_startStarting Tomcat…Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is definedAt least one of these environment vari...

deek by Champ in-the-making
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Solaris CIFS Access

I am trying to get CIFS access on a Solaris 9 server.  Solaris as I am told does not support smbmount and in order to work with CIFS the only tool that could be used is the smbclient.  This does work and connects, but does not help in how we want to ...

eyestreet by Champ in-the-making
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