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Problems with installing recordsManagement-1.0.amp

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I use Version: Community Network - v2.0.0 (build-185) on windows and i installed the amp after having reconfigured my ModuleManager.bat to:

@echo off
rem Install an AMP file into an Alfresco WAR

rem set the LIB_DIR value to point to the Alfresco lib directory
SET LIB_DIR=C:\Alfresco\2.0.0-community_tomcat\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\lib

SET TEMP_CLASS_PATH=%LIB_DIR%\repository.jar;%LIB_DIR%\core.jar;%LIB_DIR%\truezip.jar;%LIB_DIR%\log4j-1.2.8.jar;%LIB_DIR%\spring.jar;%LIB_DIR%\commons-logging.jar

java -cp "%TEMP_CLASS_PATH%" org.alfresco.repo.module.tool.ModuleManagementTool "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5" "%6" "%7"

The process seemed to run ok. After that I deleted the already installed alfresco directory under webapps.

When restarting my alfresco tomcat instance I got no error messages. After having logged in as the admin and importing the record_space.acp in accordance to the Records Management User Guide in the wiki I just got it uploaded as a content file, without creating a 'records space'.

Also when trying to create a new file plan I found that I could not select 'File Plan' as it was not available.

Has someone experienced this before? And how did you resolve this?



Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Are you able to build the latest version of the HEAD code?  You can rebuild the tool with ant -f continuous.xml distribute-mmt and the war with ant build-webclient.  Then follow the 2.0.1 instructions.

We'll check the RM instructions on the Wiki to make sure they're correct as well.
