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problem trying to display location

so I want to display the locationSo I added<aanel id="location-header" rendered="#{(NavigationBean.searchContext == null)}"><div class="mainSubText" style="font-weight:normal;"><hutputText value="#{msg.location}" />: <r:nodePath value="#{NavigationBe...

stk137 by Champ in-the-making
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Lors de l'ajout d'un custom dashlet, je ne sais...

Bonjour,Lors de l'ajout d'un custom dashlet, je ne sais pas comment traduire les labels associés.En gros, dans mon fichier web-client-config-custom.xml, j'ai : <alfresco-config>   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Dashboards">      <dashb...

synthez84 by Champ in-the-making
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Categories in template

I need to list files contained in a specific category.I wrote this template: <#list classification.getRootCategories("cm:generalclassifiable") as n>   ${}<br>  <ul>  <#list n.categoryMembers as i>    <li>${}</li>  </#list>  </ul> </#lis


Something I did yesterday (I don't know what) caused my alfresco.bat file to be moved from my Alfresco 2.1 development server into a Windows folder from which I can neither move it or copy it.  As I recall it is not a long file.  Is there somewhere I...

slothrop by Champ in-the-making
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Sous alfresco 2.1 , relié au ldap, lorsque qu'un...

Bonjour, Sous alfresco 2.1 , relié au ldap, lorsque qu'un utilisateur se connecte une première fois, un dossier personnel lui est créé. Je voudrais supprimer cette création d'espace, et je vois pas ou le faire dans le ldap-authentication-context.xmlV...

sebastoh by Champ in-the-making
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Je veux utiliser les Webservices pour créer une...

Bonjour,Je veux utiliser les Webservices pour créer une appli externe communiquant avec Alfresco, je me suis donc basé sur le SDK.Le problème est que je n'arrive pas à utiliser un autre Webservice une fois l'authentification faite (j'utilise les Clas...

lanfeust44 by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with secondary parent associations in cluster

Hi,I have a problem with parent associations in my clustered setup (Alfresco 2.1 Community on a JBoss 4.0.5 2-node cluster): newly created nodes and their (primary) parent associations are replicated correctly. Secondary parent assocs are not.Hiberna...

francescof by Champ in-the-making
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Full Repository Import Produces Errors

We have a production Alfresco server running and wanted to test the full repository export / import on a separate server.  Server is configured to use MySQL and is configured to run as a service.  Full repository has been exported from another server...

johnlpower by Champ in-the-making
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Export 2.0 Enterprise --> 2.1 Community

Alfresco Gurus,   I am trying to export from 2.0 Enterprise to 2.1 community with the following error.  Would someone shed some light on the error.P.S.  I am exporting folders located on root not the root directory itself.TIAManuelFailed to execute i...

mxavierr by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene combined query - Wildcards failure?

Hi all.My problems with Lucene go on, and I am becoming crazy!The following query:+PARENT:"workspace://SpacesStore/a169fc91-9a45-11db-8c36-4fedb9902cf2" AND +@\{http\://\}name:'20060919_tizio_test1.CEL"works fine for...

sergio by Champ in-the-making
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