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cannot login after reinstall

Experienced a DR event. Installed new HDD and resintalled Alfresco 4.2However admin cannot login once the db is restored?? System down for over 2 weeks - frantic/etc/hosts is as follwos:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost...

napata by Champ in-the-making
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Hi,I just installed the latest version of Alfresco Community 5.0. Before this I was using Alfresco Community 4.2.I wanted to edit the maximum file size that can be uploaded, but I couldn't find the file that is used in 4.2.I a...

e-no91 by Champ in-the-making
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Repeat Service Task

I have a process which does sequence of service tasks.Start Process->Service  Task 1->Service Task 2->Service Task 3End ProcessIf any Service task processing fails (due to any data or other error), i want to restart/replay the Service task after the ...

ad1 by Champ in-the-making
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ERROR: Ensure that the 'dir.root' property is pointing to...

I have read other posts related to this error message but none of them work.  I have deleted the alfresco data directory and the database schema, tomcat temp files, logs, etc in attempt to get a 'fresh' installation.  But I still get the error:14:28:...

Problem in pentaho AAAR tool

HiWhen I goto Tools->AAAR at that I got following error in  pentaho.log2014-09-08 14:50:59,694 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] could not get database metadatajava.sql.SQLException: Invalid URL: jdbcostgresql://localhost:5432/hibernate...

How to build Activiti Designer sources ?

Hello,I want to learn how to compile activiti designer sources, and download it from, but there has no step by step tutorial. some post describe this problems, and suggestions on codehaus has already term...

yuyan_1958 by Champ in-the-making
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How to create users in alfresco...

1. How to create user in alfresco using Alfresco Java Api or JCR.2. How to create groups and assign user to a group using Alfresco Java Api or JCR.PLease reply..Thanks in advance.

k4sourabh by Champ in-the-making
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Data Extraction Time

I have successfully install AAAR and pentaho on a test server (I think and hope). After running the file I look at a report and it doesn't show any data at all. Am I not waiting long enough for the data to populated? The reason I ask is th...

eswbitto by Confirmed Champ
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Techmind Boot Camp – Minas Gerais – Março 2016

Conferência técnica em Lavras-MG 14/03 a 15/03O objetivo do Thechmind  Bootcamp é fornecer às empresas um workshop e POC com o máximo de informações técnicas sobre o ECM Alfresco Community 5.1.e ,Activiti BPM, CMIS, iShare Social Platform, Cloud, vir...