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Data Extraction Time

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I have successfully install AAAR and pentaho on a test server (I think and hope). After running the file I look at a report and it doesn't show any data at all.

Am I not waiting long enough for the data to populated?

The reason I ask is this is a test server and I've only created one site with about 70 files. These files are mainly just php files used for testing so they aren't that big. Is the extraction immediate or do I have to wait?

I'm running this test server on my laptop so waiting overnight is not possible. Any suggestions of what I should look at?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi ESWBitto,

I think you have some kind of error in the log file.
I suggest you to take a look there because probably something went wrong.

I hope this will help you.

Hello FCorti,

I've looked into all the log files and there's nothing that indicates that there is an issue.

Centos 6.5 VM (virtual box)
Alfresco 4.2.f
Current versions of the BIserver and the data integration.

When setting up the alfresco credentials and the database as well, it works. There is no logs that indicate a communication issue.

I'm frankly stuck on what to try next to trouble shoot this. Usually the logs will help me, but no such luck.


I ran the extract again and I noticed there was a message on the command line. I didn't have permission to access the file. I changed the permission level and ran it again. Now I"m getting another error.

"Error occured while trying to connect to the database"

Invalid JNDI connection AAAR_Kettle:No suitable driver fround for jdbc:mysql://IP address:3306/AAAR_Kettle

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi ESWBitto,

I suggest you to take a look to this link:

There you will find the prerequisites that probably suites for you.

Hello Francesco,

I have looked at that link before and have done everything on it. That's why I am posting now. I can't get any data to import.

When I run the from the command line I notice an error there. It says wrong username or password, but I'm not sure where this script is getting that information or if I have to manually add it to the script.

*edit* Here is the full output of what is shown.

A.A.A.R. - Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting
Import procedure version 2.0.
Author: Francesco Corti (all rights reserved)
Date: 01 January, 2014

We can't be responsible for any damage done to your system,
which hopefully will not happen.

Want to reduce the time of execution?
Edit this script and change 'JOB_NAME' and 'GET_PARENTS' variables.
If you don't know how, look at the FAQ at

You are going to execute this command:
./ /rep:"AAAR_Kettle" /job:"Get all" /dir:/Alfresco /user:admin /pass:admin /param:get_parents=false /log="/opt/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script/../logs/AAAR.log" /level:Basic

Press <enter> to start import.

Want to reduce the time of execution?
Edit this script and change 'JOB_NAME' and 'GET_PARENTS' variables.
If you don't know how, look at the FAQ at

You are going to execute this command:
./ /rep:"AAAR_Kettle" /job:"Get all" /dir:/Alfresco /user:admin /pass:admin /param:get_parents=false /log="/opt/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script/../logs/AAAR.log" /level:Basic

Press <enter> to start import.

2014/09/26 10:51:38 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Basic logging
2014/09/26 10:51:38 - Kitchen - Start of run.
2014/09/26 10:51:38 - RepositoriesMeta - Reading repositories XML file: /root/.kettle/repositories.xml
Processing stopped because of an error:
Incorrect password or login

ERROR: Kitchen can't continue because the job couldn't be loaded.

Extraction complete!

Log file has been generated in the file below:

Check for ERRORS in the log.
If you can't find them, everything has gone alright.
Please, remember to schedule the command periodically or to execute it manually.

You can schedule this command using the silent execution with the command below:
/opt/biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions/system/AAAR/endpoints/kettle/script/./ silent

Want to save the reports in pdf format directly in Alfresco?
It's time to execute the 'AAAR_Publish' script.

Enjoy A.A.A.R.!

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi ESWBitto,

It's not a problem of login/password but a problem of driver.
Did you install the mysql driver in Pentaho?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi ESWBitto,

It's not a problem of login/password.
The error says you don't have the mysql driver installed in Pentaho.
Di you install it?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I put a mysql-connector-java-5.1.32-bin.jar into
    In /data-integration/lib
    In /biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEBINF/lib

I may or may not have the right driver for it. I think I do.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I finally got it working!

So what I initally did was installed Java using the yum repository. Which was version 8. I went back to basics and deleted everything and started from scratch. Installed alfresco first…Then the BI server then the data integration. Put in the mysql drivers and installed java version 7 according to the video you have on your site. It all is working now and I'm getting reports on a development server. Woot!

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator