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Forum Posts

Web script with SOAP

Hello everyone, I'm a complete newbie to the world of alfresco and am trying to write a web script that would communicate with mediaWiki via SOAP so that there would be a list of last 10 documents added on alfresco on wiki. Couls someone help me with...

janko by Champ in-the-making
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Error when clicking on Administration console

I get this error when clicking on the Administration console, anyone know why?javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.component.UIViewRootcaused byrg.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.faces.component.UIViewRootcaused by:java.lang.ClassCastExceptio...

hannesb by Champ in-the-making
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accessing the guest home directly

Hello,I'd like to put a link on the login page of Alfresco which would point to the guest home so that visitors would be able to see it whenever they want without having to log in.I retrieved the URL of the guest home using the link provided in the d...

tfaudot by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with alfresco installation

Hi!I'm trying to install alfresco 2.1 on a debian server. I've installed erlier on another machine but this server won't work. The first problem is when you start up the server and go to the url the gust-login doesnt work, i get the following error:j...

hannesb by Champ in-the-making
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Content sharing between Multiple tenants

Hi All,Can we share content between two different tenants, I have multiple tenants and I want to share content with Is this possible out-of-the-box or do we need to customize this. Has anyone done this before. Any h...

harshav13 by Champ in-the-making
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Using two content store replicas

Hi, I would like to know if the following cluster configuration would work: A cluster has two nodes: A and B. Node A uses local A1 store as primary and does outbound replication to network mounted store B2 which is physically on node B. It also does ...

ugocei by Champ in-the-making
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Will Alfresco meet our requirements?

I have been giving the task of finding a Document/Content management system for our (small) company.I am reading through the features of Alfresco (and others), but would like some users' opinions.Our main requirements are:- no startup costs, and can ...

alloydog by Champ in-the-making
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NTLM Passthru with Alfresco 2.2 Enterprise

Hi,   I am trying to get NTLM Passthru work with Alfresco 2.2 Enterprise without much sucess. I followed the steps in changed the web.xml and n...

aniruddh by Champ in-the-making
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Space Custom Views

Hallo Forum, ich experimentiere gerade mit dem PHP Modul. Ich möchte ein Script schreiben, das als Custom View eines Arbeitsbereichs die Dokumente anzeigt, die ungültig werden /ungültig sind.Leider ist in "Icon Ansicht" des  Arbeitsbereichs der Punkt...