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Forum Posts

Where can I get the file adw.amp?

Hi all,I can't find the amp file for Alfresco Dynamic Website.I was reading this wiki article but with no success you,Luc

lucbard by Champ in-the-making
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How do I know if the content is a folder or file?

Hi,I am trying the display the contents of a repository using web services in a portlet. I can list the contents by using WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().queryChildren(ref) method. However, how would I know if the content is a folder or file...

balistic by Champ in-the-making
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Création de File Plan+ Dematerialisation

salut voila je debute dans l'utilisation d'alfresco ops: .et je vais decrir mon prob en bref 1- je dois definir un file Plan pour une société.je ne sais pas comment decrir ou plutot traduire les besoin de la société     ceci biensur pour pouvoir avoi...

f_habaoui by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco SVN and JBoss Portal 2.6.3

Hi,I build a JBoss version of alfresco.war from SVN todayant -f continuous.xml build-jboss‍‍‍I installed it in  JBoss AS 4.2.2 together with JBoss Portal 2.6.3. JBoss starts  and deploys alfresco.war without problems. I'm able to access http://localh...

renspr by Champ in-the-making
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Email Server Configuration

Hi I am running the community version 2.9BI would like to implement  so that I can send emails to specific spaces but I am really struggling to follow this article.Could anyone help me out?  I ...

kkroese by Champ in-the-making
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Logout Process

Hi,I would like to have the feature where when i logout from any user.. it should go to the guest user login instead of Login Page.. and when i click on logout from the guest user.. then it should go for Login Page..Please assist.Thanks

riagarwal by Champ in-the-making
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Hi All,I am trying to make a lucene query as  store.luceneSearch("TYPE:\"{}content\"" + " AND " + ("@cm\\:abstract.mimetype:" + "test/xml") and get xml files under a folder iin wcm but it does not give me any ...

koolalfdev by Champ in-the-making
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creer un utilisateur avec un compte administrateur

Bonjour la communautéJ'ai configuré CIFS+ntlmmon compte admin a été désactivé.J'ai alors rajouté un compte utilusateur NTLM parmi les "adminUsers" dans le fichier custom-authority-services-context.xml comme expliqué dans le wikihttp://wiki.alfresco.c...

ngn2008 by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene Indexing Problem using WebScripts

We're running into a frustrating indexing issue that I'm trying to solve.I have a space named Company Home/Additions. Users with write permission can create documents in there. Simple, and works well.In the background, I have a scheduled task that ru...

kumbach by Champ in-the-making
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[2.2] Connect weblogic 9.2 ldap embedded

Hi,i'm trying to connect to embedded ldap of weblogic 9.2 and i have no successI success to connect ldap server with ldapbrowser :I follow this tuto : i tried to configure alfresco b...

ribz33 by Champ on-the-rise
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