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Warning when using JS save() function

when I use the save() function in javascript (i.e. to force a custom space to be saved before using it or its sub-spaces) i get the following warning:RHINO USAGE WARNING: Missed Context.javaToJS() conversion:Rhino runtime detected object Node Type: {...

mabayona by Champ on-the-rise
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Creating user in a different home space

hi all i'm trying to change the default home space for the users in my projectthe default is :Company Home > User Homes but ….i want it to be in the following dir : Company Home > Acme > Users'Acme' is the node of my project, and there..every thing ...

mmrs by Champ in-the-making
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[SOLVED]RMI Excpetion not solved

Hi,i've gone through a lot of posts about this issue…and i also tought i had solved it by replacing "localhost" with "" in the alfresco-shared property file, but it worked for a while then it persists…i can start alfresco but if i turn it of...

sisao by Champ in-the-making
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Sorted search

Hi,I'd like to have my results sorted by date. But I'm using Alfresco Enterprise 2.1 and the instruction search.luceneSearch(string query, string sortColumn, boolean asc) doesn't work. It's really important to have my results ordered by date, is the...

lbm by Champ in-the-making
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Freemarker code example

Hi all,I would like to know if there is some example of code using while structure with freemarker..I have to create a code which return 3 elements…Somebody knows where i find the example of this?Thanks

leonardo by Champ in-the-making
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Tâche d'un workflow mais sans les droits sur le doc

Bonjour,Voici un problème que j'ai pu vérifier sur plusieurs versions d'Alfresco : community 2.9B, 3 labs, et enterprise 3.0:Mon scénario qui me permet de mettre en avant mon "anomalie" est le suivant : j'ai 2 utilisateurs pierre et marie.- pierre dé...

jbcordina by Champ in-the-making
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Behaviors, LDAP, Custom Aspects y HomeFolders [SOLUCIONADO]

Hola amigos,Llevo un par de semanas con un tema que no soy capaz de resolver, a ver si a alguien se le ocurre algo…Resulta que me interesa asignar por defecto un aspecto que he creado para los usuarios, de forma automática, cada vez que se crea un nu...

ajv by Champ in-the-making
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[SOLVED] Site finder fails on non-existant site

This is similar to the issue found here: in a previous version.Users using IE who click the site finder and search for text that doesn't exist in a site name receive "Error on page"Opening that erro...

jtp by Champ in-the-making
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deshabilitar opción de Administrar Elementos eliminados

Hola, Quisiera saber si existe la opción deshabilitar a todos los usuarios la opción de Administrar Elementos eliminados. Quiero que una vez eliminados el único que pueda recuperarlo o borrarlo permanentemente sea el admin.  Se puede :?:  y como…..  ...

jrivero by Champ in-the-making
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How to redirect the homepage of alfresco?

Hi all,I have a question about the way to redirect page in alfresco. I want my users when access alfresco page by http://mysite:8080 will be redirect to http://mysite:8080/alfresco. Does anyone know how to do that?Many thanks for your support!Regards...

minhhacker by Champ in-the-making
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